Avaya SemEval-2013 Sentiment Resources
These resources include manually created resources for use in sentiment analysis tasks. This includes a negation word list and an emoticon polarity dictionary. The paper for which these resources were originally developed is Lee Becker, George Erhart, David Skiba, and Valentine Matula “AVAYA: Sentiment Analysis on Twitter with Self-Training and Polarity Lexicon Expansion”. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2013).
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Avaya SemEval-2013 Sentiment Resources are distributed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license. Among the other possibilities, this license allows the use of these resources in commercial applications, provided that the application mentions the use of Avaya SemEval-2013 Sentiment Resources and is attributed to its authors.
- Negation Words – A list of English words (tokens) used for negation.
- Emoticon Polarities – A dictionary of 183 emoticons and their corresponding polarities. This is in a tab separated value (tsv) format with one emoticon / polarity pair per line.